Monday, February 3, 2014


One evening I was working on making games in Kodu.  Kodu is a program that is used to make games and is much simpler than real coding like JavaScript of HTML.  I was working on a project where there were giant creatures called sputnicks would fly around destroying everything.  There would be defenses on the ground that would try to stop them.  I was a jet and I created a special runway to boost me way above all the fighting.  From my vantage point over the battle, I would shoot missles and blips which are little dots of light that shoot out like a machine gun.  The giant sputnick was attacking the second most powerful creature, a stick.  The stick put up a good fight but eventually the giant sputnick destroyed him.  There was a second stick but he was focused on another enemy.  The giant sputnick zoomed towards one of the small sputnicks on the ground and destroyed him instantly.  A puck on the ground shot out a missile at the evil sputnick but it shot the puck and zoomed away before the missile could hit it.  The giant sputnick spotted the other stick and raced toward it.  Blam!  The stick knocked the sputnick right out of the sky.  Now I had to defeat all of the other enemies.  A small sputnick raced towards me.  I flew at it and dodged while shooting blips.  The sputnick blew up.  I raced towards the stick as blips rained about me.  The stick shot at me like crazy.  I dodged while shooting missiles all the time.  The stick blew up.

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