Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanks Giving

"Ow!" I shouted.
My cousins and I were playing in our aunt's basement on thanksgiving.  We had 5 cousins there.  3 of them are my dad's brother's kids, and 2 of them were my dad's sister's kids.  My uncle Will had kids named Sam, Tessa, and Alex.  Sam was the oldest and is only five days younger that me.  Tessa is one year younger that me, and Alex is a few years younger than me.  My aunt Dawn had 2 kids that are in collage.  There names were Nicole and Mathew.
I got knocked down onto a pile of pillows and Alex jumped on me.
"RAR!" he shouted whiled he bashed me with a pillow.  
I rolled away and grabbed a ball.  Then I threw it at Sam as he attacked my little brother Zane.
"I'm bored." Sam complained. "Let's play dodge ball."
"Sure." I said. "This can be the line right here, and we can have equal balls on each side."
We gathered up the balls and distributed them equally while Tessa made the line out of pillows.
"Ready. Set. Go"
We raced to some of the pillows and grabbed them to use as shields.  A ball went whizzing by my head and I ducked.  I looked up and a ball was flying at my face.  I held up the shield and it bounced of harmlessly.
"Huddle!" I shouted while dodging a ball.
Our team formed a little circle with the shields facing outwards.
"We can gather up the balls and store them here and then when we have most of the we can charge and try to get them all out." I said.
We got back into our positions and started gathering all the balls.  Our storage place was behind one of the 2 pillars on our side.  We had 3/4 of the balls and were getting more every minute.  Finally we had almost all of the balls.
"Charge!" I screamed.
We ran the the pillar and grabbed the balls then ran to the line and threw like crazy.  BAM!  Zane was out.  1 to go.  It was Sam.  FWOOSH!  A ball zoomed by my head.  We ran out of balls and now Sam had all the balls.  He chucked them and got Alex out.  It was just Me and Tessa on our team.  Sam chucked the ball at me and I caught it.  We had won!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Google Chrome AdBlock

ARRRGGGHHH!  Another add popped up.  I can't stand these adds.  So I get rid of them.  Ir you are having trouble with adds then you will never have trouble again.

Go to Google Chrome and search up 'chrome store'.  Then click on extensions and search up 'AdBlock'.  There are multiple versions but to make sure there are absolutely no adds then install them all.  They work perfectly and are virus free.  There is standard addition, super, pro, plus, and more.

Next time you run Google Chrome, say goodby to those pesky adds.

Thanks Giving Poem

I am thankful for my computer. It lets me do my school work.
I am thankful for my bed. It gives me a comfortable place to sleep.
I am thankful for my school. It helps me learn.

I am thankful for my lake cottage. It gives me a place where I can go and relax.
I am thankful for my aunt's house. It gives us a place to be with our cousins on thanksgiving.
I am thankful for my dad's dad's house. It gives me a fun place to be with my grandparents.

I am thankful for my grandparents. They always give me a place to stay where I can have fun.
I am thankful for my cats. They always keep me company.
I am thankful for my brother. He will always play with me when I am bored.

I am most thankful for my parents.
They give me food and comfort and a place where I can eat and sleep.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Message Writer

If you ever want to prank your friends so if they open the internet it will open a program that randomly types unicorn, then this is a code that will help you.  Just type in this code into notepad and save as unicorn.vbs.  Save it in the documents folder.

set shellobj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")


shellobj.sendkeys "Unicorns!!!"
wscript.sleep 5000

Then you right click it and select create shortcut.  Move the shortcut to the desktop and right click it. Then select properties.  Once you are the properties click on the shortcut tab at the top of the box. Once you are in the shortcut tab click the change icon button.  Select the Internet Explorer icon and then apply it.  Rename the shortcut to Internet Explorer and you are done.

If you want it to be Google Chrome or a different browser then put a different browsers shortcut onto the desktop and go to its properties tab.  Once you are there click change icon and a different list of icons for that browser should show up.  There is a text box at the top of the change icon tab.  Click on it and select all the text, then copy it.  Go back to the unicorn file shortcut and go to its change icon page.  Then click on the text box in that one and paste all of the text from the other browser's icons in it and press enter.  Then those other icons will appear and you can change it and apply it then rename it to Safari or Google Chrome.

To change the words that the program writes just change the part that says Unicorns!!! to the text you want it to be.  Make sure you don't delete the quotation marks or it won't work.  To change the speed at which it types in unicorns then just change the number that says 5000 to a number of your choice.  Do not try to change it to negative numbers though.  Have fun pranking your friends.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

New Headphones

Today I got these new totally awesome headphones.  The brand is Microprice and the model is Hi-Fi DJ Style Over the Ear Pro Headphones.  They have soft padding every where and the speakers can swivel in multiple different directions.
Up next tomorrow:
Chrome Customization

Monday, November 17, 2014

Published Piece

"Thwack" The arrow hit the target.  The person in front of me was on his last arrow.  We were on the archery course at camp Michindoh.  It was cold out and we were wearing jackets.  I was with some of my friends and we were practicing archery.  "Thwack" The arrow missed.
"Get your arrows!" the instructor shouted.
They got their arrows and put them in the rack.
"You may step up!" she said.
I stepped up to the stand and grabbed the bow and 1 arrow.
"You may knock your arrows" the instructor said.
We placed the arrows on the string right below the gold bead.
"Fire when ready."
“I can do this.” I thought.
I aimed for the center of the target.  I stared down the shaft and positioned it just right.  I let go.  The arrow flew through the air as if it was in slow motion.  "Thwack" My arrow missed the target completely.  We knocked our next arrows.  I pulled back my bow strings and looked down the body of the arrow to align it with just to the center of the target.  I released.  "Thwack."  My arrow hit the blue ring.  The blue is the ring outside the red which is right outside the bulls-eye.  We knocked our last arrows.  I looked down the shaft of the arrow until I found the very center of the target.  I pulled back as far as I could and released the string.  "Smack" I hit the red ring. 
"So close." I thought to myself. 
We walked out onto the archery course and pulled our arrows out of the target.  We walked back with the arrows held behind our backs so we wouldn't get hurt if we fell.  We put the arrows in the rack right next to the bow.  I stepped to the back of the line to wait for my next turn.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Password Protected Command Prompt

This code will make a batch box come up that will say enter authorization code.  The password is 8668.  Enter it and then you can write batch/cmd commands.  To change the password you must change all of the 8668 to your new password.  Hint.  There are 2 8668.

@echo off
title Awesomeness
color 0a
@echo Enter authorization code.
set /p auth1=
If %auth1% EQU 8668 goto enter
If %auth1% NEQ 8668 goto login
@echo Login successful
@echo Enter a command.
set /p c=
@echo Command completed successfully.
goto command

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

VBS If Else Statements

To make an if else statement with VBScript is pretty simple.  First you need to declare your variable, then you need to set your variable, then you use it in the if else statement.  To do this first you declare your variable like this.

dim myVariable

Then to set your variable there are multiple options.  You could do       myVar="Tate"         Or you could do          tateVar=inputbox("What is your name?",0,"hi")    Or even other options.

Then you put it into the statement like this.

dim tate
If tate=1 then


"Thwack" The arrow hit the target.  The person in front of me was on his last arrow.  We were on the archery course at camp Michindoh.  It was cold out and we were wearing jackets.  I was with some of my friends and we were practicing archery.  "Thwack" The arrow missed.
"Get your arrows!" the instructor shouted.
They got their arrows and put them in the rack.
"You may step up!" she said.
I stepped up to the stand and grabbed the bow and 1 arrow.
"You may knock your arrows" the instructor said.
We placed the arrows on the string right below the gold bead.
"Fire when ready."
“I can do this.” I thought.
I aimed for the center of the target.  I stared down the shaft and positioned it just right.  I let go.  The arrow flew through the air as if it was in slow motion.  "Thwack" My arrow missed the target completely.  We knocked our next arrows.  I pulled back my bow strings and looked down the body of the arrow to align it with just to the center of the target.  I released.  "Thwack."  My arrow hit the blue ring.  The blue is the ring outside the red which is right outside the bulls-eye.  We knocked our last arrows.  I looked down the shaft of the arrow until I found the very center of the target.  I pulled back as far as I could and released the string.  "Smack" I hit the red ring. 
"So close." I thought to myself. 
We walked out onto the archery course and pulled our arrows out of the target.  We walked back with the arrows held behind our backs so we wouldn't get hurt if we fell.  We put the arrows in the rack right next to the bow.  I stepped to the back of the line to wait for my next turn.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Google Chrome Customization : Themes/Backgrounds

Today I am going to teach you how to get a background on google chrome for special customization.  They look like this.
To get something like this here is step by step instructions.
1)  Goto Google Chrome
2)  Search up chrome store
3)  Click themes
4)  Find the theme you want and click on it.
5)  Use it and then you will be able to have a background on google chrome like I have.


"Thwack" The arrow hit the target.  The person in front of me was on his last arrow.  We were on the archery course at camp Michindoh.  It was cold out and we were wearing jackets.  I was with some of my friends and we were practicing archery.  "Thwack" The arrow missed.
"Get your arrows!" the instructor shouted.
They got their arrows and put them in the rack.
"You may step up!" she said.
I stepped up to the stand and grabbed the bow and 1 arrow.
"You may knock your arrows" the instructor said.
We placed the arrows on the string right below the gold bead.
"Fire when ready."
“I can do this.” I thought.
I aimed for the center of the target.  I stared down the shaft and positioned it just right.  I let go.  The arrow flew through the air as if it was in slow motion.  "Thwack" My arrow missed the target completely.  We knocked our next arrows.  I pulled back my bow strings and looked down the the body of the arrow to align it with just to the center of the target.  I released.  "Thwack."  My arrow hit the blue ring.  The blue is the ring outside the red which is right outside the bulls-eye.  We knocked our last arrows.  I looked down the shaft of the arrow until I found the very center of the target.  I pulled back as far as I could and released the string.  "Smack" I hit the red ring. 
"So close." I thought to myself. 
We walked out onto the archery course and pulled our arrows out of the target.  We walked back with the arrows held behind our backs so we wouldn't get hurt if we fell.  We put the arrows in the rack right next to the bow.  I stepped to the back of the line to wait for my next turn.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

2.5K Pageviews

I finally got 2500 pageviews and for this post I will put a game on it and show you how to put games on your blog.

To put a game on your blog you can either make a new post or a new page which works better.  Then in the editor, you will see to options right next to all the editing tools.  They will say 'Compose' and 'HTML' .  Select the html option and then type this code into the editor.

<iframe src="YOUR GAME LINK HERE" width="500px" Height="700px"></iframe>

Put your URL for the game in the spot that says your game link here and you can adjust the size of the box by editing the width and height.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Coding Rating

My favorite code is batch because there is so much you can do with it and it is fairly easy.  It does not look as professional as languages such as JavaScript or VBScript but it is much easier and looks cool in a different way.  Batch and C++ are some of the only coding languages you can make a good matrix with with out coding something crazy or making a whole app.  HTML is slightly similar to batch because it is so easy but the thing different about them is HTML is used for coding webpages and special non hosted online documents.  Here is a small batch code.  It is called the matrix because of the effect it has on the screen.

@echo off
title Matrix
color 0a
@echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto a

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


"Thwack" The arrow hit the target.  The person in front of me was on his last arrow.  We were on the archery course at camp Michindoh.  It was cold out and we were wearing jackets.  "Thwack" The arrow missed.
"Get your arrows!" the instructor shouted.
They got their arrows and put them in the rack.
"You may step up!" she said.
I stepped up to the stand and grabbed the bow and 1 arrow.
"You may knock your arrows" the instructor said.
We placed the arrows on the string right below the gold bead.
"Fire when ready."
I aimed for the center of the target.  I stared down the shaft and positioned it just right.  "Thwack" My arrow missed the target completely.  We knocked our next arrows.  I pulled back my bow strings and looked down the the arrow to align it with just to the center of the target.  "Thwack"  My arrow hit the blue ring.  The blue is the ring outside the red which is right outside the bulls-eye.  We knocked our last arrows.  I looked down the shaft of the arrow until I found the very center of the target.  I pulled back as far as I could and released the string.  "Smack"  I hit the red ring. 
"So close." I said to myself. 
We walked out onto the archery course and pulled our arrows out of the target.  We walked back with the arrows held behind our backs so we wouldn't get hurt if we fell.  We put the arrows in the rack right next to the bow.  I stepped to the back of the line to wait for my next turn.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Page Views

I almost have 2500 page views on my blog and that is a lot for someone who started less than a year ago.  Visit my blog more and get me more page views everyone.