Monday, September 29, 2014

Lake Michigan

It was 10:00 and I was just getting up at my grandparents cottage.  There cottage is up north right on lake Michigan.  I put on some clothes and went to have breakfast.  We were having blueberry buckle.  It was very tasty and it had blueberries that we picked just a day or 2 before.  After breakfast we sat around a little bit and then got our bathing suits on to go down to the lake.
We started walking down our stairs to the lake.  The lake is on the bottom of a very steep hill.  There are around 76 stairs that we have to walk down to get there.  On the beach there is a lot of dune grass with a path in it for us to get through to the beach.  There was a storm a few weeks ago the made the beach just be cliffs and now there is only about 5 feet of beach left.  We dug a big ramp down to what is left of the beach so we didn't have to use a ladder.  The cliffs were 12 feet high in some places.  We would stomp on the tops of cliffs so there would be soft sand under them and then jump into the sand.  The water was cold but we would still swim in it.  We had a buoy that used to be about 30 yards out but since the water came up it is now around 50 yards out.  We would like to take a giant 10 ft by 10 ft tube out and tie it to the buoy and play around on it.  When big waves would come we would stand on it and try to stay on but usually we would get knocked off.  The water wasn't very deep at the buoy but it was almost up to our heads.

Total (310)

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Homestead

Over the Summer my family, the Whitalls and the Corneliuses went to the Homestead.  The Homestead is a fresh water resort on Lake Michigan.  One Night at the Homestead, Aidan, James, Kyle, me, Zane, and all the dads climbed the ski slope very late at night.  The night was cloudless and we could slightly see the Milkyway.  We saw the big dipper, a lot of satellites, a big flash of light that one of the dads thought was a quasar, and two shooting stars.  We even saw Saturn or Mars. 
We stayed up there for 20 minutes and then came down.  We hadn't brought flashlights up and by the time we went down it was pitch black and the start were shining incredibly bright.  By then we could see the spiral of the Mlikyway very well.  Mr. Cornelius turned on these wolf calls from his phone so it sounded like there were wolves all around us.  All the boys had a race to the bottom of the hill, but since the grass was fake and wet it got very slippery and Kyle and I fell and got dirty.  We reached the bottom and went back to the Whitalls cabin to hangout a bit.  After and hour or so we went back to our own cabins and then went to bed.