Thursday, January 16, 2014

What I learned in the electronic field trip

  1. The hub is the center of a wheel.
  2. 2pi x r = circumference.
  3. Math from the time period of this video is relatively the same as now. 
  4. "And" can be used to represent a decimal.
  5. Back then they used schillings.
  6. It takes more than 15 minutes to kneed bread if you hand make it.
  7. 4 loaves of bread can fill 5 people.
  8. James Williams was the best blacksmith in colonial times.
  9. There were a lot of blacksmiths that made different things for the army.
  10. Math is used daily for almost everything you do.
  11. In Virginia if you were old enough you had to have a gun, bayonet, and cartridge of gunpowder.
  12. After the revolutionary war the French started using the Metric system.
  13. If you have things to big for a scale you had to measure a small amount then multiply it to make the full amount.
  14. Joiners join materials together.
  15. An ELL is 45 inches.
  16. Soldiers have to know math.
  17. Soldiers must be able to survey a field.

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