Friday, January 17, 2014

Schools should not have year round schooling

Schools in Michigan should not have year-round calenders because it gives kids no time to relax.  If kids have no time to relax they will get overwhelmed and won't be able to take the pressure of school anymore.  If kids can't relax they won't get any time to hang out with their family or friends and they will start to feel lonely.  "It's a good idea, whether you live in the city or on a farm," said Ashley, who will be in 11th grade. "Without the summer off, we might go insane."  If there is year round school, there can't be summer break which will give students even LESS time to relax.  Some psychologists believe that too much study is detrimental to a child's mental health and children need time away from the regimentation of school.  Scholars such as the education reformer Horace Mann argued on behalf of a long summer vacation. Mann wanted teachers to have time off to better prepare themselves in their chosen profession. The freedom from study and lack of schedules associated with summer vacation is good for students and their families and is good social policy too.

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