Monday, April 27, 2015

Wonder Essay

In the book Wonder (wonder book) by R.J. Palacio (author), Auggie has a facial
deformity (facial deformity) and people do not like that (people not liking something).  He is bullied (bullying) a lot at school (school) and I think this story is about Auggie (auggie) trying to fit in at school (fitting in at school).  Eventually most people are nice (being nice) to him but at the beginning of the story, it is a nightmare (nightmare) for Auggie.  People always look away from him when they see him.  When people see him for the first time they will be shocked (shocked face) or surprised.  People are mean to him a lot and they will call him names (teasing) or leave mean notes on his locker (locker).  There are many other things that people will do that are rude or mean to Auggie but these three are the only ones I am going to explain in this essay.  Because of all this I think people think Auggie is strange (strange).
Throughout the story people are always looking (looking away) away from Auggies's face whenever they see him.  They also stare (staring) at him a lot too.  For example on page 22 the author writes "Jack Will looked at me and put out his hand (hand).  When I shook it, he kind of half smiled and said 'Hey' and looked down (looking down) really fast."  Jack Will looked down and that shows that people don't want to look at his face because of the deformity.  People will always stare (stare) at him too.  Sometimes in the park (park) or at school people just stare at him with their mouth open (mouth open staring).  That is very rude because if he sees them he will know they think he is strange and it will make him feel bad (sad face).
When people see (seeing/looking) him for the first time they will be shocked (shocked face) or surprised.  On page 63 the author writes "he got a look at my face and without even meaning to said “Whoa!" (shocked face with whoa word)  This shows that people do get shocked when they look at his face.  The 8th grader was surprised when he saw Auggie (auggie) for the first time as he was running down the stairs (stairs).  That is why he said that (whoa word) even though he didn’t mean to.  It was rude to Auggie for him to do that because it will make Auggie feel bad (sad face) because someone was freaked (freaked out) out just by looking at him.
People are mean (mean stuff) to him a lot in the book (book).  They will ask mean or rude questions (question asking) and call him names. They will also pretend that he has some plague (plague) and you can't touch him or else you will catch it and you have to wash your hands (washing hands) within 30 seconds or you will catch it too.  On page 29 the author writes:  "What’s the deal with your face, I mean were you in a fire or something. (fire)'"  This shows that people are mean to him.  It shows that because Julian was asking a mean and rude (mean question) question about his face.  But there are also nice people (nice people).  One time Auggie made a joke and a person left a doll (ugly doll) in his locker with a note on it.  There are also a lot of other nice people like JackWill and Summer and others.
People are mean (mean) to Auggie.  They always look away or stare (looking away) when they see him.  They will be shocked and very surprised (surprised) if they see him.  They do much more things to him too.  All of this happens because Auggie has a facial deformity.  People can be a little scared (scared) or surprised at that but for some reason they will bully (bullying) him about it too and that will make him feel bad.  It is a bad thing to bully (more bullying) him about something he was born with and can’t do anything about.  People think that Auggie’s facial deformity is strange (fades out into nothing).

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