Wednesday, February 4, 2015


If you have read one of my recent posts you know that I found a really fast web browser called Maxthon Cloud Browser or Mx4.  Well when that browser starts up it has an automatic homepage that is Maxthon's website.  One day on that website I saw an add for one of their newer browsers, Maxthon Nitro or MxNitro.  It is even faster than Mx4 and it was built to be the fastest browser ever.  It is very simple so it can go faster.  They have removed large extra unneeded programs like adblockers and extensions or backgrounds.  They have also taken away almost all extra features on the toolbar or settings (There actually is pretty much no settings.).  I put a download link to Mx4 and MxNitro below.

Maxthon Nitro

Maxthon Cloud Browser 4