Monday, October 6, 2014

Paintball Party (action version)

BAM BAM BAM!  Paintballs whizzed by my head.  I was running through a painball field trying to get to the other sniper tower.  Another volley of paintballs shot by me.  I was running along side Nicolae.  We were running through a ditch in a woods.  We were trying to eliminate the other team.   POW!  A paintball hit a tree next to us.  We were half way there.  Nicolae and I ducked behind a big plywood board.  The board had some holes in it that we could shoot out of.  "3. 2. 1. GO!" I said.  We ran out from behind the board and raced to the next.  There was only 1 more board between us and the sniper tower.  We each jumped out on different sides of the board.  BAM! BAM! BAM!  We shot at the tower and the sniper returned fire.  SPLAT!  We had hit the sniper.  He walked down with his hands raised above his head.  We ran up the tower and hid behind the walls.  No one had seen us so we peeked our heads above the wall.  There were 3 people on the top of the enemies base which was below us to the right.  We opened fire.  Bullets rained down upon them.  They tried to return fire but by the time they figured out where it was coming from they had already all been shot.  Only 2 remained.  They were on the first level of the base.  We would have to come down to get them. We walked down the stairs slowly so they wouldn't here us.  Bullets launched into the first floor of the base.  Our team was firing on them.  We got to the bottom floor and walked into the base.  They were at the windows shooting at our team.  Silently we went behind them and aimed our guns.  BAM! BAM!  We shot them and our team won.  We walked down to the entrance of the course and told them that our team won.  Our group walked back along the path for 5 minutes until we reached the refill station.  We refilled our guns and headed back for another round of paintball.

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